Cycle de facturation

2 Core


1024 MB


100 GB


1000 GB

À partir de 226.80€
À partir de
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cPanel Control Panel not recommended

One Dedicated IP included with each level. And Virtual Private Servers with no control panel are considered semi-managed.

Cycle de facturation



32G B




2000 GB

À partir de 72.00€
À partir de
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FREE cPanel Control Panel

One Dedicated IP included with each level. And Virtual Private Servers with no control panel are considered semi-managed.

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Hébergement Web

H&D est le partenaire idéal pour les particuliers, passionnés et entreprises. La performance de nos serveurs vous permet de disposer d'une vitesse maximale pour vos projets web ! L'hébergement web H&D présente de nombreux avantages.

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Frequently asked questions

VPS hosting, or Virtual Private Server hosting, is a type of web hosting that provides a dedicated virtual environment on a physical server. It balances affordability and performance, making it a popular choice for websites or applications requiring more control, power, and flexibility than shared hosting but without the high costs of a dedicated server.

As you sign up for our VPS plan, our team will do their best to speed things up and immediately start the server provisioning. Once you receive the server and control panel details, you can start using your virtual server.

If your project is based on Python, PHP, MySQL, Ruby or Perl, consider the Linux VPS hosting server. On the other hand, if your projects are built using ASP.Net and MSSQL, then cheap Windows VPS hosting plan is the one you should opt for.

When deciding which VPS hosting plan is right for you, first consider the amount of resources required to host your website. This includes the CPUs, RAM, bandwidth and more.

Yes, the cloud based VPS platform provides a higher level of security. Any activity will not impact your website or app on another site hosted on other virtual servers. Because each of the virtual servers is isolated from other tenants & does not share any common resources. Moreover, you can opt-in for our server security suite from the cart, which will give you automatic protection from any malware found on your virtual machine separately.

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